2013 While staying in Chicago, I was impressed with the paintings of one painter
who sells on the streets.
Sitting beside and starting a oil painting with a pretty good look.
2014 After returning to Japan, starting activities as a painter.
Get great support from street sales and web sales.
2016 Establish own website.
We receive a lot of exhibition offer from overseas and domestic.
2017 We are looking for support at cloudfunding site (CAMP FIRE) for overseas
exhibition. Patron 51 people
Get support of about 10,000 usd
(It was unusual and maximum amount of support among oil painter)
2017 ArtExpo NewYork
2017 Venice Biennale TERADA Award Exhibition
2017 Discover the one JAPANESE Art in PARIS
2018 Japan Return exhibition at Tokyo Art Theater
2018 Cloud Funding 2nd
Assistance total over 30,000 usd
Patron 81 people
Among the painters who performed cloud funding, they achieved a reputation
of Japan's highest amount.
2018 Art fair held under the Louvre Museum
Salon Art Shopping - KOH - Exhibition of a special booth decided
2019 KOH Exhibition at TOKYO Kristal & Glam Gallery
2019 KOH Exhibition at OSAKA Holbein Gallery
2019 In Spain's World Heritage Santiago de Compostela
Eugenio Fernandez Granell Decision to exhibit works at the Foundation Art Museum
2019 KOH Exhibition at TOKYO Kristal & Glam Gallery
2020 KOH Exhibition at Hotel Grand Nikko TOKYO Gallery21
2021 "STARS" Two man Exhibition 2021 at PEACEis Gallery TOKYO